Your own conflict-free team.

What we do

We support families in managing their economic, social, health and time wealth. As your family office we will use the best practices, providers and connections to build your team based in three pillars:

Investment Advice & Deal Sourcing

Legal & Audit + Controlling

Lifestyle, Health & Logistics

We support families in managing their economic, social, health and time wealth. As your family office we will use the best practices, providers and connections to build your team based in three pillars:

Investment Advice & Deal Sourcing

  • Preparation of family’s “I VIPs” (Investment Values & Investment Policy statement)
  • Design & Scenario modelling of the “FASAA” (Family Approved Strategic Asset Allocation)
  • Transition from current Asset position to target Asset Allocation.
  • Creation of investment decision process and Investment Committee.
  • Ongoing portfolio management, manager selection and investment deployment.
  • Liquidity Management and cash flow construction.
  • Bring deal flow relevant to family needs and blind spots.

Legal & Audit + Controlling

  • Legal structure review, update and control.
  • Implementation of “1 USD – 1 NAME” (monthly full wealth scan and accounting to identify where has each USD has come from and went to)
  • Delivery of the family’s “WMD” (Wealth Monthly Dashboard), truly a weapon of mass control for the family.
  • Cost scan and analysis, of all providers, managers, banks and partners. To verify how much is being paid, if it is a fair price and an effective use of the family’s capital.

Lifestyle, Health & Logistics

  • “Health is Wealth” program: a tailored year-around high-touch program designed to support the three main types of health for a family: Physical Health, Social Health, Mental Health.
  • Executive Assistant for agenda management.
  • Concierge & travel services.
  • Home logistics and house management design & staffing.

From good to great in 7 questions

How do I want to invest my time?

How much am I paying in fees?

Who audits my asset managers?

Am I diversifying effectively?

Am I getting the best opportunities?

What if I am suddenly not here?

Who is watching my back?

Family investing with an endowment approach

Health is wealth.